

Sometimes we force our hearts to love everyone else, but we forget the most important thing; self-love. It seems so simple, but also very hard to do.

Self-love meaning no more doubting yourself. No more crying for the past. No more being jealous of whats not ours. Meaning you are grateful for whatever you are, but also you have to be hopeful and optimistic for whatever you want.

By loving yourself, you have to be comfortable in your own skin. You have to believe in your own priority, your own dreams, and your own definition of beautiful.

By loving yourself, you don't have to change for anyone. You change for yourself, for the better version of you, that will make you love yourself even more.

By loving yourself, you grow your self-respect and stopped being 'owned' by other people. You take control. You discover your worth.

You're free to make your own decisions, to chase your own dreams, to be and to do whatever you want. And finally, you can breathe again. 

At last, I always remember this little 'mantra' that I read somewhere few months ago and I think I might share it with you: "you owe yourself the love that you so freely give to other people". Which is for me so very true. Growing your inner self-love will give you peace, and joy in many possible ways. Because no one will love you enough, except you. 

❤ K

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